General information

The Congress Center of the University of Agriculture is one of the most modern centers for congresses, scientific conferences, symposiums, conventions and other training events. Its great advantages are a good location, efficient internal infrastructure and adaptation to the needs of the disabled.


Congress Center equipment:

  equipment for simultaneous interpretation 5 channels, 3 booths, 330 receivers

  video projector


  video conferencing devices

  high-quality sound system, wireless microphones

  3 TV cameras

  possibility of recording vision and sound of the whole event or selected fragments

  induction loop

  air conditioning (assembly hall)

  WiFi, phone, photocopier

  projector screen


  CKiKU office



  stage setting for concerts and discussion panels

A catering service is available.


The Congress Center of the University of Agriculture is not responsible for the content of the statement and presentations posted by tenants.


The management of the Center may not rent the premises of the Center due to the nature of the planned speeches or presentations, which would harm the image and good name of the University.


CKiKU Brochure

University of Agriculture in Krakow
Al. Mickiewicza 21
12 633 13 36
12 633 62 45
VATIN: 675 000 21 18
REGON: 000001815
© 2023. University of Agriculture in Krakow
Design: IT UAK