
Detailed information, reservations


Manager of the Congress Centre

dr inż. Marcelina Machura

tel. 606 179 714



Rooms for rent


Aula - 330 seats

Dimensions 21 m x 18 m x 6 m


Space rental for up to 3 hours - PLN 1800 net 

Each additional hour started - PLN 550 net



Virtual walk - Aula



Room 033 - 50 seats

Dimensions 11.5 m x 5 m x 2.8 m


Rental price: 1 hour - PLN 180 net



Virtual walk - Room 033



Club Room - 40 seats

Dimensions 12 m x 6 m x 2.7 m


Rental price: 1 hour - PLN 180 net



Virtual walk - Club Room



Room 030 - 30 seats

Dimensions 8.5 m x 5.5 m x 3.2 m


Rental price: 1 hour - PLN 180 net



Virtual walk - Room 030



VIP room - 6 seats

Dimensions 5.7 m x 3 m x 2.9 m


Rental price: 1 hour - PLN 100 net



Virtual walk - VIP room



Small foyer / Large foyer

Rental price:


Small foyer PLN 350 net

Dimensions 13 m x 5 m x 3 m


Large foyer PLN 700 net

Dimensions 17 m x 11 m x 2.78 m




Virtual walk - Small foyer

Virtual walk - Large foyer



Site plan of the Congress Center in the building of the Faculty of Forestry




University of Agriculture in Krakow
Al. Mickiewicza 21
12 633 13 36
12 633 62 45
VATIN: 675 000 21 18
REGON: 000001815
© 2023. University of Agriculture in Krakow
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